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ZinaX Liquidity Mining - ZinaX DAO

ZinaX Liquidity Mining

ZinaX DAO provides you the opportunity to provide trading liquidity on exchanges. This gives you a cut of all trading fees of the token, and also earns you passive income as a miner.

Zinax DAO logo
Provide Liquidity

Earn Trading Fees

Provide liquidity to ZinaX on PancakeSwap and earn 50% of the trading fees. Make money when others buy or sell ZinaX DAO Tokens

Mine LP Tokens On Your Mobile Phone

We offer you the chance to earn passive income on your liquidity pool tokens. You can mine either the ZinaX/BNB LP, or ZINA/BNB LP tokens. These tokens are created automatically, once you provide liquidity on PancakeSwap v2

Liquidity MINING

Crypto Mining Made Easy

Earn interest on your Liquidity Pool tokens and reduce the risk of suffering impairment loss

Quality Projects

LP Tokens that can be mined on our platform are only from vetted projects. Less risk of impairment loss.

High Rewards

We offer high yield for LP token miners. Our multiplier for LP Mining is 200X, the highest in the industry

Paperless documents

You don't even need to sign up. Just connect your wallet and mine. No need for long forms

Trading Fees

Earn trading fees automatically when people buy and sell the currencies you provided liquidity for.

Location Agnostic

Mine from anywhere in the world. Zero computational requirements or hardware needs

Highly Secure

Our smart contracts are audited. No one other than you, can access your LP Tokens, not even the admin

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question on our modus operandi, interest rates or how we generate the high interest?  View more Q&A here

The interest rates being paid are in ZinaX DAO Tokens. We mint our own token and use them to pay our users. This way, profits are always guaranteed

Our platform is built on the blockchain using the latest security standard. Our contracts have also been audited by top security companies. The way our contract is built, only the user has access to his own funds. ZinaX team cannot initiate withdrawals or deposits on behalf of users. In other words, the funds are only accessible to the users and cannot be touched by the ZinaX Team

ZinaX does not invest your money anywhere. We don’t trade with them or lend them out. Your funds are locked up in our smart contract, which automatically mints rewards for you. This keeps your funds safe.

ZinaX Dividends are paid in ZinaX tokens. These tokens do not have a fixed price, and may rise or fall as due to forces of demand and supply. This means that the interest rate cannot be fixed. The rates can increase as the price of ZinaX grows, or reduce as price falls.

Yes, you can withdraw before your lock duration. Note that withdrawing before the lockup time elapses comes with a cancellation fee

Ready to get started?